Research Library
Agriculture BEZRAH
Surface cultivation: It is intended to exploit empty spaces on roofs in order to grow plants such as vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants and others. It is also considered one of the latest means and methods used to preserve the environment and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Objectives of roof planting: 1- Improving air quality. 2- Reducing the heat of the roofs of houses. 3- Achieves a high percentage of food self-sufficiency. 4- It can be a source of income (yielding a material return) 5- It gives an aesthetic appearance. 6- Preserves the environment, as it works to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and global warming, in addition to their positive impact on climate change. 7- Feeling comfortable in the presence of a green space.
Agriculture Bezrah 2
At BEZRAH, we believe cities can become places where nature thrives, not just where concrete dominates. Urban farming gives us the tools to turn unused spaces like rooftops, small yards, or even balconies into areas that grow fresh, healthy food. We aim to make farming in the city simple and sustainable, helping people connect with the environment while solving everyday problems like food shortages and pollution. This report reflects our dedication to promoting urban farming as a practical and sustainable way forward. We will start by looking at the bigger picture—how urban agriculture can address global challenges like climate change and food shortages while improving the quality of life for city residents. Next, we explore specific methods, such as aquaponics, hydroponics, and composting, to understand how they work and how they can be adapted to fit into urban spaces effectively.